US Earnings Dashboard (Q2-2024)

A sobering view from the top, but a sizeable ‘10-10 Club’ of companies growing both revenues and cash flows at over 10% year-on-year

Aranca's US Earnings Dataset of approximately 2,500 US-listed companies (excluding Banks) represents an aggregate LTM revenue of $xx trillion, as of the most recently concluded quarter, and a market capitalization of $ trillion. The dataset focuses on revenue and operating cash flow growth, purposely excluding net income given the complex sector and company-level adjustments which, while necessary, may not allow for a like-for-like comparison. The stark difference between market performances of US large-cap and small-cap companies since the post-COVID reopening continues to be justified by divergent revenue and cash flow growth trends, which our analysis also corroborates.

If you have any questions about this dashboard or would like additional analysis of the underlying data, please write to us at

A bird's-eye view of US corporate performance last quarter shows stable revenue growth but subdued cash flow growth. However, XX companies with total LTM sales of $LTM trillion increased their top-line by ZZ% year-over-year, supported by an even more impressive % year-over-year increase in operating cash flows. No surprise, as Technology leads the pack with biggest contributions to overall revenue and cash flow growth, followed by Energy and Utilities sectors. That said, our analysis by scale (market cap) does indicate operating stress for small caps (market cap under $5.0 bn), likely due to higher interest rates costs and working capital challenges.

Note: Mouse hover over column headers for definitions
ltm sales sales growth, lfq ocf growth, lfq
market segments # Number of companies in segment value LTM sales for companies in segment % cy Sales, current year - latest fiscal quarter py Sales, previous year - comparable fiscal quarter Δ, yoy Sales growth in $ value terms %, yoy YoY sales growth in percentage terms ctg, % Contribution percent of companies in segment to overall sales growth cy Operating cash flows, current year - latest fiscal quarter py Operating cash flows, previous year - comparable fiscal quarter Δ, yoy Operating cash flow growth in $ value terms %, yoy YoY operating cash flow growth in percentage terms ctg, % Contribution percent of companies in segment to overall cash flow growth

This list includes companies with positive cash flow generation in current / previous year comparable quarters, and a minimum 10% year-over-year growth in both revenues and cash flows. The top ten industries with maximum representation in the '10-10 Club' include - AA (). Going a step further, some of the largest companies within their respective industries mentioned here come from common themes or business traits. For example, cloud computing within Software, upstream exploration within the Oil & Gas industry, auto and home in Insurance, and Medical Devices companies that are particularly involved with diabetes, cardiovascular health, orthopedics, neurology, and respiratory care.

ltm values sales growth, lfq ocf growth, lfq ocf/sales, %
Δ, yoy
%, yoy
Δ, yoy
%, yoy

You can query our entire dataset to find out revenue and cash flow growth metrics for any company's latest quarter results (by entity name). To evaluate multiple companies simultaneously, separate company names with commas in the search box as shown in the example below, where data for the Magnificent-Seven stocks have been presented.

ltm values sales growth, lfq ocf growth, lfq ocf/sales, %
Company m-cap lfqr sales cfo cy py Δ, yoy %, yoy cy py Δ, yoy %, yoy ltm lfq

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