Christopher Kingsman
Executive Chairman
Christopher has been Aranca’s first investor and outside director since 2005. He is a graduate in Social and Political Sciences from Cambridge University. He has worked in investment management since 1998, initially at Fidelity International in London and subsequently for a hedge fund and family office. He has been involved in both public and private equity markets, as well as real-estate. He currently manages a Swiss investment company, which is the largest investor in Aranca.
In his experience both as an investor and a director on the board of a number of companies and charities, it is the quality of the people within an organisation that make all the difference to long-term success. He is committed to building Aranca into a client-dedicated organisation that will deliver value to all stakeholders.
Being an avid reader and believer in self-improvement, he feels it is an honour to be able to contribute to making Aranca an intellectually challenging and exciting work-place for talented people who are looking to advance their skills and careers.
Aranca is a global research analytics and advisory firm with over 20 years of experience in helping organizations take strategic business and investment decisions fearlessly and with utmost conviction.
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