JV partner selection for Aquaculture business in KSA
To identify potential JV partners for a client's planned marine aquaculture business in KSA, the client mandated Aranca to assess the market and key players
Aranca Approach
In-depth research on the players operating in marine aquaculture industry and developing a qualification criteria for establishing a JV between the client and the players
Our study provided the client with comprehensive overview of the sector along with the key players operating in the marine aquaculture industry
Create an exhaustive list of players, define a qualification criteria, shortlist the companies on the parameters defined on the qualification criteria and create a brief company profile of the players
Desk Research
Consolidate an exhaustive list of all players in the Aquaculture domain in Australia, GCC, Singapore and Turkey by using various databases and online directories
Expert Interviews
Discussions with company’s key personnel industry players across five countries.
Collect information on key parameters essential for developing a JV
Shortlist potential companies that the client should target based on the qualification mechanism