Opportunity assessment of dust suppressants for surface coal mines in Australia


To assist a US-based chemical company in understanding market for dust suppressants in surface mines of Australia

Aranca Approach

In-depth analysis of the overall market, procurement pattern, and related channels used by mine operators to procure chemical dust suppressants


Our assessment helped the client understand the overall market attractiveness and key influencers to target for potential entry


Initial understanding of the value chain of dust suppressants in the market and design of analysis framework and blank pack

Desk Research

Initial market assessment of dust suppressant in terms of size and future potential

Drivers, trends, and sustainability

Listing top players

Expert Interviews

Discussions with 35 mine owners, OEMs, and competitors for obtaining various data points, and identifying key influencers


Final analysis of current lubricant market trends in Australia its usage and application perspective

Estimation of market size in terms of volume and value