Entries tagged with “currency”


7 articles found for currency:

  • Shifting Tides: The Silent Rise of De-Dollarization

    The US dollar has been the world's dominant reserve currency for decades, with countries around the globe holding large amounts of it to facilitate international trade and investments. However, the trend toward de-dollarization has been growing recently, as countries seek to curtail their dependence on the US dollar and diversify their reserve holdings. Will the dollar be replaced as the global currency?

  • Navigating Cocoa Disruptions to Build Resilience

    A major cocoa shortage in 2024 has raised concerns across industries reliant on the commodity. Shifts in weather patterns induced by climate change have disrupted cocoa cultivation, resulting in lower yields. The scarcity has major implications for processors and chocolatiers heavily dependent on cocoa production, particularly amid expectation for strong demand growth. The cocoa prices are likely to remain elevated, hovering at USD 6,800–7,000/MT in 2H24 and USD 6,000/MT in 2025, and a return to 2023 pricing levels is not anticipated for the next 3–4 years. Procurement organizations across end-use industries must mitigate supply chain risk by scouting alternate sourcing geographies, exploring cocoa-free alternatives, and leveraging potential value chain opportunities.

  • Navigating Tomorrow: Proactively Track Slow-Moving Changes

    Proactively navigating slow-moving technological changes is a vital strategic need for companies seeking sustained success in today’s dynamic business landscape. These changes, often gradual, have the power to shape or disrupt industries and companies, influence consumer behavior, and redefine competitive landscapes over time. Businesses should be attentive to these shifts and adopt proactive measures to track and understand them. From strategic planning to risk mitigation, there are various reasons why staying ahead of slow-moving changes is essential for corporate resilience and competitiveness.

  • Navigating the Global Expansion Challenge: Insights for Startups

    Transitioning from a domestic company to a global business is a notable milestone for startups, unlocking new customer bases and expansive growth opportunities. However, venturing into international markets can be a complex and uncertain journey. As the investment landscape evolves and global competition intensifies, startups must exercise caution and undertake strategic planning in their pursuit of international expansion. They must be aware of market considerations, common pitfalls, and essential strategies for success.

  • Virtual Estate - An Illusion?

    Metaverse is a next-generation system that delivers content and services, probably why it is referred to as the evolution of the internet. Just as radio served as a platform for music and audio content, metaverse will be the foundation for web browsers with organized data and information on web pages and platforms.

  • US Economic Slowdown – An Opportunity for India?

    As the US economy edges toward recession, equity investors are seeking opportunities in other countries. The focus is on emerging economies, specifically in Southeast Asia, and the main contenders are China and India. Both countries have positive and negative factors influencing investor decision. Which country would attract the bulk of the diverted investments is yet to be seen.

  • DeFi – Revolutionizing Financial Markets

    DeFi has made considerable progress in a surprisingly short time that would contribute to a more transparent and accessible future in finance due to rapid technological developments. There are now over 4.5 million DeFi users worldwide, which is anticipated to reach two-digit millions in the immediate future. However, the technology seems to be in a nascent stage and is yet to be fully stress tested at scale over an extended period. While there are concerns over DeFi replacing the traditional financial system, experts suggest they can coexist and thus improve the global finance architecture and benefit the economy worldwide.